Coffee Art® featured on Hot City

Coffee Art® was recently featured in the Romanian publication, Hot City

Coffee Art featured in Hot City

Coffee Art
Arta moderna are forme diverse si totodata inedite de manifestare. Andrew Saur si Angel Sarkela-Saur sunt doi artisti se exprima artistic prin intermediul picturii cu cafea: Coffee Art.

In cazul cei doi totul a inceput intr-o vara cand au sustinut primul lor show de arta intr-o cafenea din Minnesota. In momentul respectiv isi doreau sa aduca ceva nou si creativ, iar cum show-ul lor urma sa se desfasoare intr-o cafenea s-au gandit ca foloseasca cafeaua pe post de vopseluri.

Tablourile lor sunt realizate de atunci folosind numai cafea amestecata cu apa in diverse proportii pentru a obtine tonuri mai inchise sau mai deschise. La final este aplicat un strat de acrilic pentru a prezerva picturile.

In functie de complexitatea tablourilor pretul acestora variaza intre 200 de dolari si 8000 de dolari. Mai accesibile ca pret sunt insa postcardurile realizate dupa picturi care costa doar 10 dolari.

Here is the translation:

Modern Art has various forms and also unusual manifestation. Andrew Saur and Angel Sarkela-Saur are two artists that express themselves artistically through painting with coffee: Coffee Art

If two all started one summer when they held their first art show in a coffee shop in Minnesota. At the time, they wanted to bring something new and creative, and how their show would take place in a coffee shop they thought that use coffee as a paint.

Their paintings are made using only coffee when mixed with water in various proportions to get darker or lighter. Finally a layer of acrylic is applied to preserve the paintings.

Depending on the complexity paintings their price ranges from 200 dollars to 8000 dollars. More affordable but prints are made ​​after paintings that cost only $10.

Thank you Hot City!
