Coffee Art® featured on Amici del Caffe

Coffee Art® was featured on the Italian website Amici del Caffe

Coffee Art® was featured on Amici del Caffe

Arte al caffè

By Christina Sponza

Published: 8 aprile 2010Posted in: Arti figurative,  Curiosità

Andrew Saur e Angel Sarkela-Saur (in arte Andy and Angel) sono una coppia di giovani pittori americani che da molti anni utilizzano il caffè come tintura.
Una densa infusione di caffè rappresenta la base di colore che, con maggiore o minore diluizione acquosa, consente di operare come si trattasse di acquerello. I dipinti si riconoscono per le delicate sfumature marroni dovute esclusivamente al pigmento della bevanda, mentre una mano finale di vernice acrilica trasparente consente di preservare le opere dagli effetti del tempo.

Andy e Angel hanno ottenuto grande attenzione dai parte dei media internazionali e sono riusciti ad esporre in vari Paesi, privilegiando le caffetterie come inedite gallerie d’arte. Lo scorso ottobre sono stati a Milano e ricordando questa recente esperienza hanno voluto dedicarci le seguenti parole: «Our Coffee Art was warmly received. The Italians were great hosts and we had a wonderful experience. Italians have a special place in our hearts».
Per apprezzare le loro opere è possibile visitare il sito Coffee Art.

Here is the translation:

Andrew Saur and Angel Sarkela-Saur (aka Andy and Angel) are a pair of young American painters for many years using coffee as a pigment.

A dense infusion of coffee is the basis of color, with more or less water dilution, allows you to operate as if it were watercolor. The paintings are distinguished by the delicate shades of brown pigment due exclusively to the beverage, and paint a final coat of clear acrylic allows you to preserve the works by the effects of time.

Andy and Angel have received great attention from the international media and managed to exhibit in several countries, focusing cafes as art galleries. Last October, they were in Milan and remembering this recent experience they wanted to dedicate the following words: “Our Coffee Art was warmly received. The Italians were great hosts and we had a wonderful experience. Italians have a special place in our hearts. ”

Thanks Christina at Amici del Caffe!

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